Products meeting the search criteria
Eleocharis Parvula "Japanese"
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...
Rotala Wallichii "Mexicana" (Red)
Very Bright Light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..
Marsilea Sp Fern (Giant)
This plant can be grown under various conditions and the plant spreads through runners...
Eleocharis Parvula
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...
Echinodorus Cordifolius Marble Queen - Green
Undemanding and easy plant to keep. Regular pruning is required...
Echinodorus "Fancy Curl"
An attractive curly leaved plant, a mutation from Echinodorus cordifolius...
Elatine Triandra
Very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients are required for this plant to grow as a carpet...
Rotala Sp. Ceylon
A fast growing and sturdy plant which turns pinkish under high light, CO2 and nutrient dosing...
Ludwigia Palustris "Hi Red"
This plant will adapt to most aquarium conditions if bright light is available. Regular pruning is r..
Echinodorus Sp. Cordifolius
Bright light and nutrient rich substrate is required. Roots need to be trimmed occasionally...